Yes, Naväge is a safe product to use. From time to time, news stories and other public attention is drawn to two potential risks associated with nasal irrigation devices when manufacturer and/or CDC instructions are not followed:
- Bacteria concerns when water used in the device is not filtered, distilled or previously boiled.
- Bacteria and/or virus concerns when nasal irrigation devices are not properly cleaned after use.
To avoid these potential risks:
Do not use tap water unless sterilized by boiling. For your safety, only use water that is distilled, micro-filtered (through 0.2 micron), or previously boiled and cooled to lukewarm or body temperature, used promptly, for nasal irrigation. The US Centers for Disease Control provides detailed information about boiling, filtering, and disinfecting water for nasal irrigation at
Properly clean the device after use so that viruses and bacteria from your nose are not transferred to the device and the germs are not given the opportunity to colonize and be reintroduced into the nose upon subsequent use.
If you use the device daily and rinse it thoroughly before and after use, the risk is quite small. If the device is properly cleaned after use, the risk can be eliminated completely.
Naväge Nose Cleaner rinsing instructions

Upper and lower tanks, nose pillows, and nasal dock. These should be detached and washed after each use. Anti-bacterial dishwashing soap or diluted white vinegar (half-water, half-vinegar) are recommended cleaning agents.
Center module. Wipe the center module with a damp cloth. Do not immerse it; it is not water proof.
Crushing chamber lid (1 and 2). Rinse with hot water to melt away dried salt crystals.
Drain pull (3). Rinse by lifting the drain pull and running water through the upper tank drain.
The Naväge Nose Cleaner is not dishwasher safe. Exposing the tanks to dishwasher heat will warp them and prevent them from sealing to the center module. Cleaning the Nose Cleaner in a dishwasher voids the warranty.