We’ve all heard about the Mayflower, a ship that brought pilgrims to the new world.
Well, for some of us, “May Flowers” just bring congestion and agony. While flowers are a symbol of nature’s beauty, they can bring a season of discomfort for those who deal with allergies.
Wind-pollinated flowers, like the flowers of grasses and trees, are the main culprits behind flower-related allergic reactions. These plants produce small, light, and dry pollen grains easily carried by the wind, which are more likely to be inhaled and trigger allergies. When the wind’s blowing, get your Naväge ready!

A few of the “showier” flowers are also allergy fiends. You’ll never look at these beauties the same way again:

Daisies and other members of the Asteraceae family, can be a real problem for some. Despite their appealing appearance, they produce a fair amount of pollen.
Dahlia flowers have bright colors and distinct petals. Don’t be deceived! They produce a lot of pollen too!

While sunflowers are mostly associated with late summer, some varieties do begin to bloom in May. Like daisies, they can provoke allergic reactions.
These flowers are intensely fragrant and can irritate those sensitive to strong scents.

So, if you’re sending a bouquet of these flowers, make sure you also give a Naväge Nasal Care System! Naväge flushes out the causes of nasal congestion including allergens. You’re welcome!
Here’s some good news: “Stop and smell the roses”…is still solid advice! Flowers like roses, peonies, and tulips have less allergenic pollen. Take a whiff.
Knowing which flowers are likely to trigger allergies, you can better manage symptoms and still enjoy the beauty of nature—but from a slightly safer distance!

Naväge Is Beautiful
Naväge is an effective, natural way to clean your nose so you can enjoy nature. Rinse the pollen and allergens out so you can breathe easier and take in the loveliness of the season.
If you think Naväge might be right for you, you might be right! Don’t let another spring go by while you “tough it out.”
Read the reviews.
If someone convinces you and you end up loving Naväge, send that person flowers!