Navigating the Cough and Cold Season
As the dry, wintry air takes hold, we know it’s here: cough and cold season—with respiratory issues that can range from annoying to debilitating. Many of us “enjoy” a common experience of "Winter Nose," a range of not-so-nice nasal symptoms in colder weather. But, with a blend of traditional wisdom and modern advice, you can navigate the season (and Winter Nose) with good health.
Winter air can dry out the nasal passages, making them more susceptible to irritation and inflammation. It often results in a stuffy or runny nose because the body increases mucus production to moisturize and protect the nasal lining. We also tend to spend more time in heated environments that dry out the air, causing even more irritation! Winter Nose not only causes discomfort but can make us prone to cough and cold infections.
Coughs and colds are primarily caused by viruses that thrive in cooler, drier climates. That’s why we see them spike during winter months. While the runny nose, cough, sore throat, and sneezing are usually mild, they can lead to more serious complications, especially in the young, elderly, and those with weakened immune systems.
Regular hand washing, avoiding close contact with those who are sick, and staying hydrated can reduce your chances of catching a cold. Also, boosting your immune system through a diet rich in vitamins and minerals, and getting enough sleep, are essential to staying healthy.

If you do catch a cold, running to things like over-the-counter decongestants, expectorants, and medicated lozenges can help alleviate common symptoms. However just remember, these meds do not cure the cold, they simply make the symptoms more bearable.
For a natural, medicine-free approach, your grandma was right: Steam can help your cough, and honey and lemon in hot water can soothe a sore throat, but here’s one tool Grandma probably didn’t have for nasal congestion: Naväge!
Naväge flushes out nasal congestion with a saline solution in less than 30 seconds, alleviating a major symptom. By removing irritants, Naväge can help you breathe better and feel healthier all year long!
Regular Naväge use during the cough and cold season can be a game-changer in managing Winter Nose discomfort and enhancing overall sinus health.
Tell your Grandma!

Sources: https://www.osfhealthcare.org/blog/winter-dry-sinuses-and-what-you-can-do/, https://www.nebraskamed.com/ear-nose-throat/how-to-prevent-winter-nose, https://www.entcarecenters.com/blog/common-causes-of-a-runny-nose-in-the-winter, https://www.healthline.com/health/steam-inhalation#_noHeaderPrefixedContent, https://medlineplus.gov/coldandcoughmedicines.html